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You can see any current vacancies for the Bedazzle team on our Indeed page.

A copy of our application form can be downloaded here. Completed forms should be sent to OfficeAdmin@BedazzleArts.Org

Staff Testimonials

“I absolutely adore all of the students we work with. I am very happy at Bedazzle. I have other jobs and Bedazzle is my joy!”

- Anonymous feedback from staff survey

“Coming to work for Bedazzle is one of the best decisions I’ve made. It’s such a supportive environment, no two days are the same and I look forward to coming to work”

- Charlotte, programmes assistant and tutor

In a recent staff survey, everyone who responded agreed (or strongly agreed) that the work they do for Bedazzle is fulfilling, and that Bedazzle makes them feel like part of a community.




07494 091077

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© Copyright by Bedazzle, January 2006, revised January 2020. Bedazzle is a trading name of 'Bedazzle Arts Ltd.' registered in England No:05813460, 'Bedazzle Projects' is a charity registered with The Charities Commission No:1140390

Bedazzle is registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers UKRPN: 10068209

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